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Solicitor’s Approval v Due Diligence

By Louise MacCallaugh - 9 Mar 2012 - 1 comment

Some buyers believe that if they sign an agreement to buy a property which is subject to "solicitor's approval" they automatically have a "get out of jail free" card.   A solicitor's approval clause cannot get you out of an agreement if you suddenly discover something about the property that you don't like and you decide you don't want to buy it.

When buying property it is important that you do your homework.   This can involve more than just getting a LIM and having your builder friend cast an eye over it.   If you are intending to buy you should carry out a full investigation of the property or at least allow yourself the ability to do so.  That's why a due diligence condition in your agreement is vital.  It allows you to obtain all the reports you think you need and the ones you don't. Contact us if you are intending to buy.   We have the right conditions for you!


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Excellent blog !!! In my line of work we often come across customers who believe this can get them out of a contract - great read and nice to see it in "layman's" terms .......

Alice Capplemanreply

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