Defective Building Claims

Our team

Kiren NarayanKiren Narayan
Darius ShahtahmasebiDarius Shahtahmasebi
Nevenka TomaNevenka Toma

Our team has extensive experience in leaky building claims in the Courts

Although the leaking building crisis is supposedly over, we are still assisting unlucky purchasers who have discovered water or structural damage or leaks.

We have acted for many owners of leaky homes. We have obtained compensation from territorial authorities, private certifiers and parties involved in the design and construction as well as from product manufacturers.

We have also acted for parties facing claims for compensation, such as architects, builders, former owners of leaky homes and pre-purchase inspectors.

We work hard to achieve positive outcomes for our clients.  Where possible this is through settlement, either by direct negotiation or alternative dispute resolution processes such as mediation or Judicial Settlement Conference. When necessary we will pursue cases through to trial in order to achieve a meaningful resolution.

We have handled cases throughout New Zealand.

Recent cases